今天晚上是 Tinnie 幼稚園第二十六屆畢業典禮暨遊藝會
Tinnie 為了表演也練習很久~~他們還有一段要用英文講給大班的哥哥姊姊.
剛開始, 我還聽不大懂 Tinnie 在說些什麼, 只有斷斷續續的幾句話聽得懂.
後來當我看到文字後, 發現其實 Tinnie 的發音還不錯耶!!
Dear big brothers and sisters,
Today we are proud. We are proud of you.
We are happy because you are so great!!
Your time here with us was special. We will never forget it.
You will be in our hearts forever.
Please come back and visit us, and tell us about your new schools and friends.
Let us laugh and play together again someday.
Good luck in the future!!
We wish you well. Enjoy Today.
Happy Graduation Day!!
一. 給寶貝的祝福
二. 愛的鼓勵
三. 小朋友的話語
四. 珍重再見
五. 園歌
六. 敬愛師長
七. 迎向未來
獻花給 即將畢業的大班 大哥哥~~
都不看鏡頭的 Tinnie & Bernie
Tinnie 打扮這樣真可愛~~
照片: 2011-07-08 慶豐幼稚園畢業典禮暨遊藝會
- Jul 08 Fri 2011 19:00
慶豐紀念幼稚園 第二十六屆畢業典禮暨遊藝會