2011-03-03 Stay at Hotel for whole day (Working at Hotel)
2011-03-04 Medion 開會 & 體驗無速限高速公路的快感
今天本來打算坐火車到 客戶 那裡 (Essen)
可是沒想到火車居然 delay 了.
為了怕遲到, 我們決定坐計程車去客戶那裡,
司機開在德國無速度限制的高速公路上居然開到 180
害我還想直接跟司機說: 請開到 200, 讓我感受 200 的速度 呵呵呵~~
2011-03-05 荷蘭 嘉年華會 (Dutch Carnival)
沒想到居然剛好遇到 荷蘭 舉辦嘉年華會 (Dutch Carnival)
Netherlands Carnival in the Netherlands is also called "Vastenavond" or "Vastelaovend", and is most celebrated in Catholic regions, mainly the southern provinces North Brabant and Limburg . Dutch Carnival is celebrated on the Saturday through Tuesday preceding Ash Wednesday. Although traditions vary from town to town, some common characteristics of Dutch Carnival include a parade, a "prince" plus cortège ("Council of 11"), a farmer's wedding ( boerenbruiloft ), and eating herring ( haring happen ) on Ash Wednesday.
One variant of Dutch Carnival is known as the Rijnlandsche Carnival , which can be seen in the province of Limburg. The province's capital of Maastricht holds a street carnival featuring elaborate costumes that resemble some South American and Venetian influences. Intentionally amateurish marching bands ('Zaate Hermeniekes' or 'Drunken Marching Bands') traditionally perform on the streets. In recent years samba bands have become more popular.
The oldest-known Dutch carnival festivities date from 1385 in 's-Hertogenbosch . They are depicted in several paintings of the 15th-century painter Jheronimus Bosch . For the three days of the carnival, 's-Hertogenbosch changes its name to "Oeteldonk," which means "Frog Hill." This name changing tradition is common in and around North Brabant
2011-03-06 德國 嘉年華會
原本今天想要來去大採購的, 沒想到 德國也在舉辦嘉年華會.
只好在德國 Dusseldorf 到處晃晃~~
2011-03-07 搭機返台
今天要一路從德國 Dusseldorf 機場 飛往 Zurich 機場 轉機,
再從 Zurich 機場 飛往 Hong Kong 機場.
2011-03-08 Hong Kong 機場 轉機 回台
番外篇: 到香港才發現, 原本要搭乘的飛機航班因為飛機故障,
所以取消航班, 安排我們搭乘下一班飛往 台北 的飛機.
當我一知道此訊息, 馬上打電話給 國泰世華 的機場接送.
沒想到, 居然跟我說: 因為我沒有在 24 小時前通知.
所以如果等待超過一個小時, 還是需要收取 $300 的等待費用.
如果是我自己改變航班, 而沒有在 24小時 前通知.
那就是我的問題, 也理應讓 國泰世華 收取所謂的等待費用.
但是現在是航空公司取消航班, 我也在一知道的當下馬上通知.
我馬上又致電 國泰世華信用卡中心,
沒想到還是一樣反應無效, 當下也真的是氣到.
當下就決定把 信用卡 取消.
好像有點衝動. 不過真的覺得 國泰世華 並不是一個會為客戶著想的銀行.
說實在的, 打幾通國際電話的國際漫遊的費用可能都超過 $300....>_<
反正整個對 國泰世華 的服務感到失望.
照片: 2011-03-01~08 Germany